A reminder about the waste of resources in marketing real estate
Are we really concerned about the environment?
With so much talk about climate change, pollution, a digital world, consumer waste, recycling, a paperless society, one would think we would outwardly display our concern – as individuals and as businesses by our actions and choices. But… self-interest and/or ignorance do get in the way when the crunch comes/when decisions or choices need to be made as we go about a daily lives.
In the real estate sector it is plain to see. Many agencies advertise the green credentials of the properties they hope to sell but go about marketing them in the same old-fashioned way i.e. with masses of printed material and so many vendors expect it! When,…
It’s all on their (the property seeker’s ) phone!
Digital brochures, floorplans, images…
I suggest that you think Waste Before Signing Up with Your Local Real Estate Agent ….
To save you wasting money and to save wasting paper and ink, request no fancy glossy brochures!
They are unnecessary in this digital (supposedly) paperless society!
It is ridiculous to see the number of costly advertising brochures found tossed aside after potential clients leave the property which they are inspecting. They usually end up on the car floor.
For you, the vendor, you are usually informed by the agent that it is cheaper to order more brochures – hundreds – far more than is necessary. It is my opinion that this is done in a senseless fashion by many real estate agents without thought about the consequences – ignorance or habit?. I have witnessed the thousands of unused brochures of recently sold properties in agencies offices, waiting to be dumped. My suggestion – don’t be fooled by glossy brochures when an agent comes calling for your business.
Expensive glossy brochures do not maketh the eager, ethical agent!
Another of my pet hates are the large For Sale Signs (3’ x4’+) complete with blurb one cannot read when driving by and usually a large distractive image – to me: visual pollution. I was pleased to see while living in Italy and France for a number of years, their for sale signs are small and discreet without pictures– tasteful!
Jan Couper
M.Ed., M.Env.